Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analyzing the present state of Jamaica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyzing the present state of Jamaica - Essay Example However, the founding of Jamaica was officially articulated to the discovery made by the Spanish explorer called Christopher Columbus in the 15th century1. He discovered that Jamaica comprised of over 200 hundred villages of the indigenous population in the southern part of the country. Thereafter the British proclaimed the Jamaican colony and Spanish conceded defeat, as they were militarily weak to engage in a battle with the British. Therefore, Henry explored further into the northern parts and established British settlements after realizing that the colony had rich soils that would promote agricultural projects. From a critical analysis of the book â€Å"The present state of Jamaica†, the following discussion explains on the tremendous exchanges in the Jamaican history that resulted to distinct cultures, political systems, economic practices, and social exchanges through demographic dimensions. Spanish colonies were the most established in the Caribbean islands since their founding by Christopher Columbus in the early 1450s. On occupying Jamaica, the Britons realized that all the surrounding colonies belonged to the Spanish and were prosperous in all their economic, social and cultural environments. The Britons lacked financial capabilities to ensure that all activities ran in accordance to the desired set of plans. This period whereby the British tried to weigh out the surrounding circumstances and the possible methods of achieving success in the colony is directly relative to invasions they made in the Spanish rich territories. A young Henry Morgan engaged in the military in his early age, gained experience and turned out to be an aggressive privateer, and through him most of the Britons in Jamaica benefited from the ambushes he laid against the Spanish territories the Spanish. He owned ships and privateers who reflected aggression in all expeditions that Henry termed as profitable2. The book referred to as the present Jamaica is a reflection of the activities aged before 1665 in Jamaica and the extent at which they shaped the subsequent environment in the country. These intercultural relations are born of Captain Morgan’s invasions, and the British military slavery practices in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Jamaican colonial masters traded in slavery in order to yield enough manual labor for farming. Most of the slaves were from the African continent while the rest comprised of the South Americans, Asians, and the indigenous population of Jamaica3. Throughout the past 6 centuries, Jamaica has been a hub for many of the world’s notorious pirates, a factor articulated to the practices of Henry Morgan. Ancient practices continually passed through generations and the country’s current culture of Jamaica is comprised of notorious and aggressive individuals, many of whom are youths. The rise in crimes and indulgence in drugs, and the considerable praise heaped on the legendary Captain Morgan reflect to the c urrent practices. In the 15th century, the British were well established and had begun to rear a wide variety of domestic animals ranging from fowl, flocks of sheep, horses, mules, and wild birds of whose products would be of vital use at their homes. The masters argued out that all the present animal and food variety were of better quality compared to those present in their homeland, Britain. As the colony continuously amassed strengths and engaged in worthwhile economic activities, their Spanish predecessors would make surprise attacks, but all were combated by the military

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